About Me

Do you really want to know about me?  Well, my name is Rob.  I like music.  Especially Canadian music.  My Dad was a music nut too so I know that is where I get it from.  I also love guitars.  I love to play them, collect them and build them.  I live near Toronto, Ontario with my wife.  I am in industrial sales.  When I do win the lottery I am going to build custom guitars full time for fun and maybe have a little indie label.  Until then, I will keep working.

What else?  I like to sleep, a lot.  I’m ready for the zombie apocalypse.

I am really doing this blog because I like to yammer on about what I think is “good” music and this way I can do that and those around me don’t have to listen to me because I think they’re sick of it.  Bottom line, I hope in these pages you stumble across someone you really like.  Buy their music so they can keep doing what they love and we can keep listening.

Myself with Blue Rodeo frontman Jim Cuddy in Sept. 2007.
Myself with Blue Rodeo frontman Jim Cuddy in Sept. 2007.